Energy healing methods such as Pranic Healing or Reiki have grown in popularity with healing people of their physical ailments. And throughout the last decade, mental health has been openly talked about more often and how it has affected millions of people’s lives. So would energy healing be able to work on someone’s mental health as well as their physical health? To answer this question let’s focus on one of the two biggest forms of energy healing, Pranic Healing. In Pranic Healing there are different level classes that one must take in their journey to certification. One of these classes is called Pranic Psychotherapy. This class is where a Healer is trained to help a client heal from their psychological ailment. As the client though, how can you be sure if it will work for you and how does this work? So let’s dive into this area of healing so that way you can see that answer yourself.
Starting with energy healing, what is it? The idea of energy healing is that the physical body has an etherical (spiritual) body that is connected to it. This etherical body is pure at birth but when growing up can get dirty. When it’s dirty, physical and psychological problems may start to develop in one's body/ mind. A trained healer is then able to feel and or see the energetic body that is dirty and use their training to heal that body. When that body is healed it then helps the physical body heal at a faster rate which can sometimes be in minutes. Energy healing though is best when paired with modern medicine and therapies. If a healer is working on your energetic body, why wouldn’t you have a Doctor or Therapist also work on the physical? When both are combined, the rate of healing is extremely fastened. So what are the energy healing methods out there? Well, there are many but the two that are most popular are Pranic Healing and Reiki. If you want to read what the differences are on those you can click HERE and read that.
So how does this work or help with psychological ailments? Like I said earlier, let’s focus on Pranic Healing and how it may help one’s mental health. In the class Pranic Psychotherapy, it is explained that in the etherical body there are 11 Major Chakras. These chakras give one their instincts. Because these chakras give one their instincts, the condition of the chakras affects one's thoughts. It is also said that one’s behavior then affects these chakras as well. The Pranic healer is then trained to clean out the chakras and etheric body of the dirty energy and replaces it with clean energy. When it comes to mental health though sometimes they are also removing more than just that depending on the client and their ailment. With that said we can also look into what ailments Pranic Psychotherapy is great at treating. Ailments like depression, anxiety, addiction, insomnia, grief, phobias, stress, and more are treatable with Pranic Psychotherapy. These of course aren’t one-session fixes but they can be worked on over time.
When deciding to treat a mental health ailment or more than just one’s mental health health, why see a Pranic Healer for psychotherapy? Looking into modern medicine, we have discovered that one’s mental health does affect their physical health. This is because the psyche is so powerful in what it can and even can’t affect. So if our mental health is connected to our physical health, why not go see someone to help you with your stress and not only feel better mentally but even physically? Also unlike therapy and psychology where the client is put through tests to see what’s going on, in pranic healing the client is treated on what they think is going on and also based on what the healer scans. Because there's less of this feeling of being tested and having to open up about everything that’s going on, pranic healing might be easier for some. If the client then chooses to mix both therapy and pranic psychotherapy the results of living without the mental ailment are fastened. And even things like phobias, stress, and insomnia can be treated within an hour and see results almost instantly.
Now as I stated earlier Pranic Psychotherapy isn’t a quick fix to everything just like medicine isn’t. But it does help and the reason why I mention this is because some mental ailments are harder than others. Things like dementia, depression, anxiety, and even Alzheimer's are going to take a bit longer than one session. And this is because they are deeply rooted mental health ailments and don’t happen all the time. They are known to be battles that are difficult for someone. So in Pranic Healing, it can take one week to one year or longer to heal. But most pranic healers will also suggest and teach the client what they can do to hasten the healing process outside of the healing sessions. These are commonly the 5 virtues that healers follow, a meditation on twin hearts, superbrain yoga, forgiveness technique, and more.
With all this, I suggest contacting a Pranic Healer or energy healer in general and asking questions about how their healing modality helps! Because even though I talked with the view of a pranic healer, this is meant to be an article to show that alternative healing modalities can help one’s mental health. Don’t think that therapy and a psychiatrist are the only routes if you’re open to it. Because though those two things help a lot sometimes financially they’re not options when this can be. As stated before, if one is able to have both alternative medicine and therapy/ psychiatry for a mental health ailment, the healing process is extremely fast. So go out there and ask questions and even try these healing methods for yourself. They worked for me and hopefully, they’ll work for you!
Many Blessing